Site History has been online in one form or another since early 1996, when the domain was first registered. In the 20+ years we’ve been around, we’ve always tried to present the best and most accurate information for swingers and those involved in the lifestyle. The general public has become much more open minded in the years since was launched, and technology – both electronic and medical – has made the swinger life safer, more fun, and frankly, easier to access. That means that we have seen huge growth in the number of swingers in America, Europe, and around the world.
Our Future
We intend to keep supporting those in the swinging lifestyle and promote a sex positive platform for open minded adults to meet others, improve their lives, and become stronger couples.
Working Together
If you have an idea for working together with, please check our Contact Us page. Everyone who visits this website contributes to the positive growth of the lifestyle, and we hope to continue that for many years to come.